First reason - Rachel’s blog post “why you should blog”. Jeremy and Rachel co-founded, and gave me great opportunity to enter Deep learning. is -

  1. Deep Learning library
  2. Massive open online course
  3. Friendly community.

And other useful things like this blogging template, that was used to host this blog.

They use top-down learning approach, and this was first time after my school years that I really enjoyed studying. I tried to do other MOOC, but they were to slow and theoretical. Jumping right into code - this is what I liked and what kept me going with Deep learning at fastai. Hands on experience in training models helped me switch industry and start working at great start up. Now I am training models and creating exiting products like facial recognition, age gender detection on Android devices on the edge, as well as fruits and vegetables recognition for scales and self-checkouts in supermarkets (already in production! short video).

In the end I want to thank Rachel Thomas and Jeremy Howard from fastai, Yannic Kilcher, the YouTube guy, and Derek Sivers for inspiring me to learn new things and share knowledge with the world and to my wife for supporting me in everything.